3 Tips to Get Back in the Homeschool Groove after the Holidays

You’ve decked halls and maybe already diligently un-decked them, watched numerous enchanting holiday movies, had all the delightful peppermint flavored goodies and now it’s time to get back into the routine of life. Getting back into our homeschool groove after the holidays can be tough. Yep, that was my kids miserably groaning and truthfully me too a little bit.

I needed this break, I’m enjoying this glorious break. It’s hard to get back into routines, even routines we enjoy. We are going to ease back into our educational routine. Thus, tip #1….

Start Mid Week

Start mid week. I’m a public school kid and we always started back on a Wednesday or Thursday. As a student, I thought that was soo weird. As an adult, homeschooling momma, I completely get it. Oh yeah, start on Thursday! Then, joy oh joy only 2 days and the exquisite break of the weekend. Hallelujah! Also…

Don’t Do It All

Start with only a few subjects. Some like to begin with the basics, you know those 3 R’s. I like to start with my kiddos favorites. So, for us that means captivating read alouds, Five In A Row, Before Five In A Row, and history. That first shortened week back, this is it.

Be Ready

Prepare, Momma! Yep, this one is on me. Preparation makes a HUGE difference. Prepare your mind. Pray for your second act. Prepare your home. I function better with a tidyish house. Prepare your food. A nutrious meal plan is life saver. I tutor on our CC community day, so, I also need to certainly prepare for that.

Here’s a post on planning you may find helpful. https://happyhomeschoolingmom.com/how-to-have-your-best-homeschool-year-ever-part-3-planning/

Bonus Tip! Fun

Finally, do something fun to celebrate your homeschool. Family movie afternoon, field trip, favorite meal, science experiment day, art day can delightfully breathe life into our homeschool. Our first week back, I’m planning a Poetry Tea Time. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see.

Let’s get our homeschool groove back after our holiday break. I’d love to hear your tips and plans. Leave me a comment with your plans and tips for getting back into routine. What was your favorite tip? I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Homeschooling,


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